How long does Slabjack Geotechnicals geo-polymer material last?

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Raise settled concrete with polyurethane (Polylevel) foam-

One of the questions we are asked about polymer Slabjacking is “how long will it last”?

The answer is two-part. As far as the polymer is concerned the repair is permanent. The material, polyurethane, is basically plastic and a foaming agent so the only thing that breaks it down is U. V. Light. Since the material is under concrete it isn’t exposed to UV and should remain stable for decades.

The second part of the answer relates to the base on which the polymer is injected and this we have no control over. If we are raising a settled patio that was only poured a year ago the settling is not yet complete and no matter the method, be it mudjacking, geo-polymer injection or replacement, further settling is to be expected. In addition, soils with organic material such as decaying wood or brush buried in them will break down and result in settling.

1-855-752-2522 uses what we feel is the finest hydrophobic polymer on the market today not some weak insulation foam or light duty “general purpose” foam. We use polymers twice as dense as many commercially available.

If if you are dealing with settled concrete call the concrete raising and leveling professionals today,


Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.




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