
pressure grouting Archives | Slabjack Geotechnical

Concrete Raising Innovation 1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Let’s talk innovation. When we started our slab lifting and pressure grouting business we were one of the first doing polyurethane injection Slabjacking in the United States!  We made a commitment to be on the cutting edge in developing the systems we would use to pump the materials and with...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Large Diameter Pipe Repair Methods, We use two primary placement methods to repair large diameter pipes and culverts: spraying and injecting. Spraying We spray polyurethanes to rebuild joints that are poorly-seated, have dislodged, deflected or deteriorated. The materials we spray have excellent adhesion to all of the common large diameter pipe materials, such...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Whether it be a settled concrete warehouse floor, an office building or a home like the picture above Slabjack Geotechnical can help. Pictured above is a floor that settled before the walls were even up. In this case construction was delayed and snow and rain saturated the soil resulting in settling. The solution...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com We recently had our floors refinished and while the end result was beautiful the company made the  buying experience frustrating. They took forever to send our estimate to us, didn’t follow up after the estimate, never answered their phone, kept us waiting without a callback and they left several rags on our lawn. Bad experiences...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com We are often competing against other companies to raise settled concrete, so why use Slabjack Geotechnical verses one of our competitors? 1. We have more experience raising slabs with the latest method than almost anyone in the United States! We raise thousands of slabs every year and caulk tens of thousands of feet...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Raising sinking concrete slabs, When we entered the concrete raising business in 2011 we made a commitment to be on the cutting edge of the industry in order to provide the best value to our clients. In addition to embracing technology both in our estimating software and with our truck and trailer metering...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Deep injection grouting – Pressure Grouting is the process of pumping a cement or chemical grout into soft or weak strata of soil or voids. The grout fills these voids, thus stabilizing and strengthening the soil. Pressure Grouting has many applications. One of these includes support for existing structures or where foundations have...

1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Chemical Grouting is another common form of Permeation Grouting that has gained popular acceptance to strengthen granular soils is the injection of chemical solution grouts that bond the individual grains together into tone like masses that are capable of carrying loads of the structures. The chemical solutions typically consist of a base material...

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630 Valley Mall Parkway #431 East Wenatchee, WA 98802

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 8am-5pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

We have local branches serving Idaho and Washington.

Contractor License #SLABJG*833K2

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