One of the things we do is raise settled concrete for folks preparing to sell their home.
Why homeowners wait to raise their settled concrete will be the next topic I discuss in this blog.
If you are in the market for a new home, one of the deficiencies you may come across is sunken or settled concrete. Having this concrete raised prior to your purchase should be something you demand as a condition of purchasing the property, when you have leverage.
In most cases raising settled concrete is a quick, fairly inexpensive job. There are some areas that are more technical and challenging, such as around pool decks or large entries with columns or superstructures built on top of concrete slabs, but for most walks and patios it’s a two or three hour job
The last thing you want to find out after the fact, is that the pool deck is beyond repair and needs to be replaced at a cost of $5-$10,000 so ask the listing agent to call the concrete raising and leveling professionals 1-855-752-2522, and we will raise the settled concrete BEFORE you buy your new home.
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.