Of the many settled concrete slabs we raise the largest by far are warehouse floors.
While it is unusual for a warehouse floor to settle when they do it can be quite dramatic. In addition to settling, voids developing under warehouse floors are a concern as well. Warehouses by their very nature house materials. Often times these materials are very heavy with substantial point loads. In addition to storage, warehouses often have machinery. Machinery can be extremely heavy and often vibrates, this combination of weight and vibration is a recipe for soil settlement.
Recently a friend in the business was asked to stabilize a concrete slab in a large government warehouse in Canada. Prior to bringing in a lot of new machinery a Geo scan was made of the 50,000 ft.² floor to determine if it would support the large weight and vibration of the new machinery. The scan showed extensive voids of up to two inches under much of the floor. An estimate was provided and work is scheduled to start soon on what will be a $350,000 project.
Many people might wonder why not just replace the concrete slab for that much money? The reasons are simple, it is simply less money and less disruption of the operation than replacement. A large slab stabilization project like this might take as long as a week where replacement could take several months and the complete shutting down of the operation for even longer than that. Polyurethane slab stabilization is a very fast and effective means to stabilize concrete warehouse floors without the loss of production and disruption of warehouse operations.
1-855-752-2522 works with individual business owners and governmental entities to find solutions that fit your needs. We work around your schedule and your equipment to the degree possible to limit disruption of your operation saving you time and money.
If you have come across settlement in your concrete warehouse or are concerned about voids we are the concrete raising and leveling professionals in Washington state and northern Idaho give us a call today for an on-site consultation.
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.