Since 2011, 1-855-752-2522 has been your local source for concrete raising, crack and joint filling, concrete sealing and downspout extensions.
Rather than using yesterday’s outdated methods to raise settled concrete we use structural grade polymer foam. It is faster, won’t wash out, consolidates lose and organic soil and it leaves almost no trace we were even there.
For crack and joint filling we use “Nexus Pro” silicone sealant speciality formulated for great adhesion and greater flexibility than standard caulks or Masterseal NP1 polyurethane caulk. In addition we do it right. We clean and prepare the surface then insert foam rope before the final bead of caulk is run, then it is tooled to a slightly concave profile which insures a longer life due to reduced abrasion.
Down spouts? We extend them out of the way of walks, drives, porches and patios to reduce the likelihood of re-settling. We offer a simple hinged extension and an underground extension with a grate that drains water well away and preferably down hill from your concrete slabs.
For sealing concrete we primarily offer penetrating sealers, why? Because they last, up to ten years! These come in various formulations, typically Silane/Siloxane or Siliconate. If you are looking for a high gloss sealer for your colored or exposed aggregate a yearly application of surface sealer is required for best results, both for waterproofing and to retain the color and gloss desired.
When the time comes to maintain your concrete call the professionals,
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.