Foundation piering, long considered the solution for settling foundations is now being used more frequently in new construction. Why?
Foundation piering for new construction makes sense!
-Piers used in new construction enable homes to be built on steep slopes, slopes are prone to slides which undermine foundation support resulting in settling.
-Piers allow the stable construction of homes with weaker load bearing soils such as areas with a high water table, areas prone to flooding or bogs.
-Piers enable construction in areas with high concentrations of organic materials in the soil. Organic soils deteriorate over time causing settling.
-Piers greatly reduce the amount of concrete needed in a foundation as the load is carried by the piers not the concrete. The concrete acts primarily as a place for the wall plate to be attached.
If you are planning to build on less than optimal soil conditions consider helical or push piers as a way to insure a stable foundation.
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