
Slabjack Geotechnical Archives | Slabjack Geotechnical

Limited lifetime warranty with Slabjack Geotechnical. Call today, 855-752-2522 The vast majority  of companies raising concrete slabs only offer a one or two year warranty. Since our inception Slabjack Geotechnical has sought to be a different company, one that sets ourselves apart from the competition. Today we proudly announce we have extended our warranty to...

Sunken and settling concrete? 1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Should I wait until my concrete has settled all the way? A question we sometimes get. The answer is generally “no” because as slabs settle further, damage will often result. Cracking, pulling away from the building and/or draining water to the foundation. While no one likes to spend money...

Concrete Raising Innovation 1-855-752-2522 www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com Let’s talk innovation. When we started our slab lifting and pressure grouting business we were one of the first doing polyurethane injection Slabjacking in the United States!  We made a commitment to be on the cutting edge in developing the systems we would use to pump the materials and with...

As a general contractor dealing exclusively with settled concrete we are occasionally asked about settled foundation repair. In addition, there are times in the estimating process we determine the problem of settled concrete is actually the more serious problem of a settled foundation. As we have made these determinations we have been frustrated to find no qualified...

Foundation piering, long considered the solution for settling foundations is now being used more frequently in new construction. Why? Foundation piering  for new construction makes sense!  -Piers used in new construction enable homes to be built on steep slopes, slopes are prone to slides which undermine foundation support resulting in settling. -Piers allow the stable...

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630 Valley Mall Parkway #431 East Wenatchee, WA 98802

Hours of Operation:

Monday – Friday: 8am-5pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

We have local branches serving Idaho and Washington.

Contractor License #SLABJG*833K2

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