Concrete Raising with Multiple Polymers.
One of the advantages of using Slabjack Geotechnical is we are the only company in our market large enough to carry multiple polymer reactivities and densities on our rigs. The advantages to doing so are many, here are three;
1) By carrying both a dense lifting polymer and a very slow rise void fill polymer we can not only do either type of job but can do large lifts without the risk of cracking the slab during the void fill portion of the job. This advantage is a great reason to hire us rather than a competitor.
2) Relating to number one above, voids filled with a very slow rise polymer are shown to much better fill the voids created as slabs are raised. This better supports the slab rather than the “pillows” of support other methods generate.
3) Cost. By utilizing a two polymer lift and support we are able to drill far less injection holes for the void fill portion of the job which saves you money while providing a superior end result.
We are the most experience Slabjack contractor using the advanced polymer injection method call today,
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.