One of the biggest frustrations we all have with concrete is the cracks that develop. I heard something the other day that made me laugh, “every load of concrete that comes from the plant has five or six cracks delivered with it, where they happen is up to you”
Control joints are placed in concrete to control where those cracks happen. Control joints should extend at least one fourth of the distance through the concrete, so if your concrete slab is 4 inches thick the joint should be 1 inch deep.
Once cracks develop either in the slab or at the control joint they need to be caulked to keep water from eroding the supporting materials under the slab and to keep plant growth at bay.
While this can be a DIY project 1-855-752-2522 seals many thousands of feet of concrete as part of our “Total Concrete Protection System” and to retain the warranty we offer our Slabjack customers.
Using either polyurethane or silicon caulk as a filler we first thoroughly clean the cracks and joints then place foam backer rod in the crack/joints then top with caulk, tooling each crack and joint for a uniform appearance.
Like anything, experience goes a long way for both a lasting caulk job and for the final appearance.
Call the driveway repair company today, 1-855-752-2522!
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.