About five percent of the jobs we do need to be re-pumped. Why?
Soils still settling.
Voids – often found along foundations, voids can cause supporting sections to slide into them reducing support. One of the real advantages of geo-polymer Slabjacking is how well it travels filling voids and fissures in the soil.
Water – water is a primary cause of initial settling, if not corrected can result in further settling.
Weak, un-compacted soils – found primarily in new construction and homes less than ten years old where base soils are not at full compaction.
While Slabjacking is generally a permanent repair for settled concrete, like properly poured concrete it needs periodic inspection and maintenance to remain stable. Caulking expansion joints to keep water out from under slabs, maintaining fill beside walks and drives, not overwatering bushes or lawns and insuring run off is directed well away from concrete all play an important role in the ability of concrete to resist settling.
Slabjack Geotechnical is very proud of the work we do, we do not shy away from warranty work nor are we embarrassed if warranty work needs to be done, it is occasionally part of carefully raising concrete. Better to have to come back to be precise than over lift a slab and ask our customers to “live with it”
Warranty work is free unless we are dealing with properties under ten years old where original settling is still occurring or where warranty stipulations were not met. (Caulking, maintaining fill, flooding, etc.) We offer very reasonably priced crack sealing services so your warranty will be in force for the full duration. Even on properties under ten years old we offer very reasonable priced repumps in the unlikely event your concrete resettles.
Experience matters, call the concrete raising and leveling professionals today,
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.