Poor compaction coupled with excess water causes virtually all the settled concrete we see.
We got a call from a homeowner that their fifty year old home was experiencing some settling on a porch and some attached brickwork. I asked, “the house is fifty years old and the settling just happened?” She replied yes but they had recently installed gutters and downspouts and she suspected that might be the cause.
A site visit showed that she was correct, the downspouts was dumping runoff right at the point of settling. An estimate was provided and the work was completed using Geo-polymer Slabjacking as well as sub grade concrete and steel bracing for the decorative brickwork.
This is so common. Here’s how to prevent the problem;
New construction – install gutters and downspouts before concrete is poured, insuring water is directed well away from porches, walks, driveways and foundations. Where municipal codes allow, tie into storm drains, if not, dig French drains or use other methods to avoid saturating soils near concrete slabs. Other concerns are landscape plantings too near foundations and slabs, tree roots, ponds and sprinkler systems.
Existing homes – design the gutter system with the intent to have water going somewhere other than near concrete slabs and structures. This may necessitate tunneling under walks with a drain pipe directing water well away from the home. If this is impossible a French drain can be dug, rain barrels used or use the retracting downspout extensions that unroll to direct water away from structures when there is run off.
Take the time before settling occurs to correct deficiencies and you will avoid the problems associated with sinking concrete.
Slabjack warranties generally require the correction of the problem that created the original settling. In the vast majority of cases it means making corrections to your drainage system, eliminating plantings that require substantial water, reducing sprinklers or using drip lines instead.
Slabjack Geotechnical is a great resource when it comes to diagnosing the cause of settling and recommending corrective measures to prevent further settling. Call today,
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.