Self-leveling concrete is an excellent compound to use to perform crack repair fast and fill concrete voids. It can be set up within a few hours, unlike mudjacking which takes at least 24 hours and new concrete that has a wait time of two to seven days. If you’re looking to upgrade old floors, this compound will help you finish your project fast. Here are tips for preparing for a concrete leveling installation.
What Is Self-Leveling Concrete?
Self-leveling concrete is typically a mixture of polymer plasticizers, Portland cement, and various other ingredients. You can pour it in small amounts to cover minor imperfections or thicker to smooth out low spots. It’s ideal for areas that contain radiant heaters because it can flow easily around the tubing without a problem. Self-leveling concrete can be used on cracked and settled floors in both residential and industrial settings. It’s suitable as an underlayment for carpet, tile, and other types of floor coverings.
Concrete Leveling Preparation
Before you begin using self-leveling concrete, you will need to determine the overall moisture level in the concrete. If the moisture level is too high, it will degrade the compound over time. You will need to perform a relative humidity test first to determine how much moisture is contained within the concrete slabs. If you don’t know how to do this test, you will need to consult a concrete service professional for assistance.
Self-Leveling Concrete Installation
Make sure to follow the instructions listed by the manufacturer exactly as they are written. You’ll also want to have more product on hand than you think you might need as the job needs to be completed with only one pour. Have all your supplies and tools ready before you begin pouring as you will only have around 20 minutes or less to work. You will need mixing buckets, a mixing drill, gauge rake, plastic sheets, and silicone caulk.
Store the compound indoors and away from ground level. Be careful not to mix water with the product while you are pouring the compound onto the surface in need of repair. Clean up all your supplies immediately when you’re finished to avoid the compound permanently sticking.
Concrete leveling can be performed fast and affordably by using a self-leveling compound. If you’re unsure about doing the job yourself, you can find reputable concrete services in your area that will be happy to do the job for you. You’ll be able to enjoy beautiful flooring that will last for years to come.