One of the frustrating issues with concrete is spalling or the top layer deteriorating. Caused by several factors such as road salt, over finishing the concrete, using too much water in the mix and other issues, spalling typically happens within the first two or three years after the slab was poured.
Once spalling has occurred what can be done? If spalling is purely cosmetic and has not effected the structure of the slab, commercial toppings can be used to approve the appearance of the slab. The large home improvement warehouses have products from Quickrete and Sakrete that are effective at concealing spalled concrete but it is critical to follow the directions for a lasting repair. Pressure washing, patching deep spalls first, applying in the proper temperature window and sealing are important steps if a lasting repair is to be expected.
How much will it cost to do the repair myself? Typical bag concrete costs between two and three dollars. The modified polymer concrete toppings are ten times that amount and will cover roughly fifty square feet if you use two coats of the material which is recommended, so roughly a dollar a square foot.
Why can’t I use concrete resurfacer on cracked concrete? You can, however cracks will immediately show through the overlay unless a structural repair is made. Any movement, even very slight movement along the crack will break the resurfacer along the crack line.
How do I make a “structural repair”? For the “do it yourselfers” epoxies for concrete crack repair are readily available on the internet and are injected into the crack and then filled with silica sand to “weld” the slab back together. Other repairs using concrete mortar or flexible caulking will not work with an overlay because they do not immobilize the crack.
Before any crack repair is made make sure any settle concrete is aligned along the crack line.
While spalling is a frustrating reality in too much concrete, that alone is not reason to replace it, if you are willing to do a little work.
If you are dealing with sunken or settle concrete call the concrete raising professionals at;
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior result.