When you decide to do something about your settled concrete what is the process?
The first thing to do is call the concrete raising and leveling professionals, 1-855-752-2522! Within days we will make an on-site inspection and provide an estimate which typically includes pictures detailing what will be done. This estimate is generally emailed to you within a day of making the on site visit, if you do not have email service a printed copy will be mailed to your location.
Once received all that is needed is an approval, either a signed copy of the printed estimate or a reply to the email in the affirmative.
The vast majority of the jobs we do are done when no one is home, however if you need to be on site for interior work we will schedule a time that works for you, generally the first job of the day. Slabjacking jobs vary not just in size but complexity making it nearly impossible to accurately determine how long a job will take. Other than the first job of the day we could be off by an hour or even more. Most scheduled jobs therefore are the first job of the day out of necessity.
On the day your job is scheduled, as many as three others may also be scheduled in your area, to keep prices as low as possible we try to bunch jobs for efficiency, it is also common to have one of your neighbors ask us to also look at and if possible do their job too! We make every effort to accommodate them for efficiency.
After your job has been completed we record the total pounds of material used for billing purposes. Once back in the office we prepare an invoice based on the estimate and if needed any adjustments for materials used above the estimate. This invoice is then emailed or mailed to you for payment. We accept personal check (along with Visa and M/C with a small fee)
Our desire is to be the easiest concrete raising company to do business with. From the initial contact to the final billing and warranty work Slabjack Geotechnical is the place to call for all your concrete raising and leveling needs.
call today, 1-855-752-2522
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results!