A frequent statement we hear when folks with sinking and settling concrete here we can help them.
Concrete settles because of poor soil conditions. Poor compaction, rotting organic material in the soil, erosion and saturation. 1-855-752-2522 has the products and the expertise to correct your settling concrete.
The vast majority of settling concrete can be corrected with our polyurethane injection Slabjacking and then addressing external problems such as erosion and soil saturation. Directing water well away from concrete by moving down-spouts, adjusting sprinklers to avoid standing water and caulking joints and cracks in concrete Will resolve the vast majority of settling concrete. So sure of this method are we, that we offer a full two-year warranty on our services. (See website www.SlabjackGeotechnical.com for restrictions) and five years if we caulk the joints!
Dealing with poor compaction and a breakdown of organic material create the same problem, settling concrete, but are at either ends of the time-line with regard to settling concrete. Poor compaction results in near immediate settling of the concrete and generally affects new construction, this settling can go on for as long as 10 years. The breakdown of organic material can happen over a period of years and even decades and is generally the result of buried material such as stumps, grasses, and construction debris. Even debris such as large chunks of concrete that have been buried can create huge sinkholes due to the voids often found around this debris that eventually is filled in with soils above it which were expected to support slabs on the surface.
Correcting settling that results from poor compaction and a breakdown of organic material often takes a two-pronged approach. First, stabilizing deeper layers of soil requires the use of soil conditioning agents injected into the ground which solidify the loose or organic material. Second, polyurethane Slabjacking to bring the concrete back to original grade is then utilized. The combination of soil stabilization and polyurethane slab jacking is the quickest and best long-term solution to correcting concrete settlement. Other methods such as mudjacking do not deal with the underlying problem of the soil nor does concrete replacement.
If you are dealing with sinking concrete call for a no obligation consultation today.
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