Let’s talk innovation. When we started our slab lifting and pressure grouting business we were one of the first doing polyurethane injection Slabjacking in the United States! We made a commitment to be on the cutting edge in developing the systems we would use to pump the materials and with the material we would use to raise settled concrete.
For 2017 we have raised the bar, truly redefining our industry. Working with our builder and leaders in the spray foam industry we have developed what we see as the finest Slabjack rig in existence. Using the finest components and revolutionary design we now have the ability to bring the equivalent of two separate operations to a job all contained within one rig.
We have also, by partnering with our material supplier, developed two new polymers. A fast set, hydrophobic polymer for raising heavy structures and slabs and a very slow rise polymer for void filling and slab stabilization. Both with very low thermal requirements. This chemistry allows us to be working sooner and with less exotherm and provide far superior coverage under the slab. This means less resettlement, fewer holes, simply put a better job by design. No more using a “happy medium” material, we can now use the exact material needed for a given job.
Check us out, read our reviews then call the experts,
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.