Concrete cracks; it cracks as it cures due to shrinkage, it cracks when placed on expansive soils and it really cracks as it settles.
When we are called to raise a concrete slab there are occasionally cracks the are not easily seen. As a slab settles it sometimes cracks and “pinches” together. Raising cracked slabs nearly always opens up the existing crack. This happens because as the concrete settles at the crack it actually pushes the two sides apart. After the slab is raised the crack should be filled with flexible caulk to improve appearance and prevent water intrusion.
1-855-752-2522s polymer injection raises settled concrete and stabilizes cracked concrete which reduces further damage along the crack line.
When concrete moves it often cracks, it’s either pay a little now or a whole lot later, or reduced profit at sale time. Give the concrete raising and leveling professionals today, we can help.
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.