Raising sinking concrete slabs,
When we entered the concrete raising business in 2011 we made a commitment to be on the cutting edge of the industry in order to provide the best value to our clients.
In addition to embracing technology both in our estimating software and with our truck and trailer metering equipment we determined to use the best polymers we could find.
What determines “best”?
1. Superior lifting ability; After testing Both Polylevel PL250 and PL400 against SPI 350H we found the following differences; The SPI 350H has a much more vigorous expansion. The quick reaction time has a huge advantage; the ability to raise very heavy structures (concrete) without needing massive amounts of material. According to the literature provided with the materials, PolyLevel PL400 and even PL250 do not lift with the aggressiveness of the SPI’s 350H
2. Superior control; With a much faster setting polymer comes much greater control over the lift. This is especially important with smaller slabs such as sidewalks or slabs leaning against a foundation. Simply put the other guys polymers don’t cut it when lifting small slabs, the material migrates to places not desired and the lift is not forceful enough to localize lift to areas desired. Even on larger slabs such as driveways the other polymers create undesirable lift.
3. SPI has formulated 350H exclusively for 1-855-752-2522 the 350H (hydrophobic) is super fast reacting at very low temperatures which provides less off gassing, less chance of charing and superior control.
I could go on, there really is no comparison between the three polymers, the polylevel foam is more like void filling foam and not really up to the task of raising concrete. They are advertised as four pound foams but comparing them side by side they appears to be about half the density of SPI’s polymer. One is structural the other literally breaks apart or crumbles under foot.
You have a choice, Slabjack Geotechnical or some other guys.
Superior technology, Superior polymers, Superior results.